Friday, February 14, 2014

There's More to the Garden Then Harvest (a five minute friday)

My Five Minute Friday on: Garden

In May we plant — tomatoes, peppers, hopes.

And we eagerly wait for the first signs — a bud, a ball of green promise hanging.

We water and weed and pray for warm rays of sun and growth.

The first harvest of juicy red plucked from backyard tomato plants instead of fluorescent lit grocery bins is sweetest.

We celebrate and appreciate the fruits of our labors — the summer sandwiches and the flavors of homegrown vegetables in season.

But today, I look towards the garden buried deep in snow and cold.

I see the tangle of brown remnants poking out of the frozen white and the garden seems long forgotten.

There's more to the garden then harvest.

There's promise and hope and mystery.

I plant in dark soil. I water the seedlings. But the rest is out of my hands.

All I can do is tend. And watch the beautiful unfolding.

In winter, we wait.

In spring, we cultivate faith to plant and the hope to harvest.

And in summer, we marvel and enjoy the fruit of growth —

in the garden.

Today I'm linking with Lisa-Jo, but there's more to her link-up today. She's asking this blog community to help build a South African community a safe place for sustainable food, child care, economic empowerment, job skills trainings, a gathering place for church, classrooms for HIV/Aids education, and a playground for their kids. And she needs you! Click here if you want more information on how you can give.

Five Minute Friday


Unknown said...

Thanks, Roni! Nice to meet you! Thankful you found something to ponder here. It's really something, isn't it? How it's God who does the growing, not us. Beautiful. Humbling.


Heather Jones said...

I love gardening! I have so much more to plant since we moved in and I really want to plant those tomatoes, pepper and potatoes. Spring can't get here soon enough! Love your five minute friday! :)

Simply Beth said...

"There's more to the garden then harvest. There's promise and hope and mystery." This was beautiful, Christy. Something about your words really spoke to me. Maybe it's more how in the winter we wait. But the promise of what is to come. So glad I stopped in today. I also enjoy the FMF prompts even though I don't participate. I just can't write for five minutes. LOL.
Happy Valentine's Day!

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