Summer is in full swing and we have been busy, busy, busy. The summer heat has descended upon us and seeing as we don't have air conditioning, have been doing whatever we can to beat the heat, as they say. We have been fortunate to have free pools available to us and they have certainly been a blessing to us. The other night Adam put in a window unit, but it has been keeping the house at a less humid, but still warm 83 degrees. If it wasn't so beastly I would protest as I hear the sound of money flying out of our wallets. I am actually looking forward to going on vacation to the Equator as I hear it is not all that tropical on the Galapagos Islands! Sea breezes, an ocean at the ready to jump in, and daily water activities are calling me.

Yes, I did say the Galapagos Islands. Another blessing from my parents, they are taking our whole family (11 of us) on an amazing, once in a lifetime trip to Ecuador to tour the Galapagos Islands. We leave in a few weeks. It will definitely be a crazy adventure and awesome opportunity for our kids to witness firsthand the amazing power of our Creator God. I can guarantee many pictures documenting our trip upon our return. Picture taking runs in the family...we're like the paparazzi (
no kidding!). I hope the BLUE-FOOTED BOOBY, the GALAPAGOS TORTOISES and the spitting MARINE IGUANAS are ready for us!

I am so confident that each moment will be captured that I usually opt for my video camera instead of the still. I'm also quite sure a movie will be made of our adventures (
by me, of course).
Well, that's an update from me. I wanted to let you all know that I'm still around and although the heat has zapped all my profound creativity today, I promise I'll be back another day. Hope you are all enjoying your summers! And asking that you keep our family in your prayers for a safe and meaningful adventure to the Galapagos!
Love, Christy
You absolutely MUST watch the Galapogos Islands documentary put out by Vison Forum. As you may know the Galapogos Islands is where Charles Darwin based a lot of his evolutionary thought. The documentary completely goes through the Islands pointing out the mighty hand of our Creator. That will be an amazing trip and it will be great to see pictures that follow:) Have a blast!
Thanks, Liz! Is the movie called "The Mysterious Islands"? I bought that one for Adam for Christmas and we have watched it several times as a family. Really enjoyed the perspective it offered. Preparing for this trip has been an awesome opportunity to discuss Darwin and Creationism, but ultimately the coolest part will be seeing everything firsthand and giving Him the glory!
That would be the one! We enjoy hearing Doug Philips at many homeschool conferences! He's a great speaker, especially if you enjoy History. That will be a great trip I am sure!
I think it is so cool you are going there!!! You must listen to Doug Phillips, he is quite an inspirationl passionate speaker.
Looking forward to the pics!!
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