Wednesday, June 4, 2014

A Love Unwavering (a Love Idol guest post)

I had the honor of being part of a new series, hosted by Jennifer Dukes Lee, based on her book, Love Idol. I'm sharing on her blog today and I hope you will find it encouraging.
Here's an excerpt:
I don’t want to need people. I want to want them.
In the midst of a painful season, I penned these words. An honest confession from a human, fallible heart. One bruised and wounded by life and people and circumstance.
My identity birthed, not entirely from the happy memories and encouragement of others, but from darkness – haunting memories of childhood innocence taken stripped away the knowing that I mattered.
I can’t say why what’s stolen becomes the informer of value. Why betrayal and abuse carry more weight than real love and affection.
Maybe because it’s outside of God’s plan for us? We weren’t made to be mistreated.
My life became about earning love and striving to be worthy of it. I constantly wondered if I measured up and started looking to others for reassurance.
To read more of this guest post, click here.

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