This week I have had a mini-epiphany about my adventures as a stay at home Mom with both kids in school full day (ASHMWKSFD). Some may call me an over-achiever. I'm definitely a perfectionist. And most days I have an attitude of trying to do it all. But I had a realization that I don't WANT to do it all. It's been a great blessing to stay home and raise our kids. And I am thankful that without a paid full-time work commitment I have the flexibility to do anything I want. There are no limits.
Originally I think I made my new "role" feel more like a prison cell...laundry, groceries, cleaning, cooking, being a prepared and together housewife. But now I'm slowly realizing that it can be so much more then that. It can be volunteering at school, blogging, ministering to a friend, or attending a bible study, along with all of that other stuff.
It's taken me about 5 months to figure it all out. A reminder that everything is a process. The kids don't go off to school and you all of the sudden figure out how to fill your 9am-3pm time slot. It's been a lot of trial and error. And as expected, God has thrown in His own twists and turns, leading me in new directions.
So consider this an update of my ASHMWKSFD. December was a little bit more crazy and hectic then I wished it would have been. But we live and learn, right? It's all about finding a healthy balance that includes doing God's work, even if the dishes don't get done today. And I am thankful to have a husband that understands and encourages that, as well.
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