I search for comfort. And I think I find it in so many things.
— the warmth of my husbands strong arms wrapped around me
— the sweetness in my children's laughter
— a bowl of ice cream
— the encouraging, reassuring voice of a caring friend
— the smell of homemade pizza baking in the oven
Though many wonderful things comfort me, I'm still left with longings.
And I hear Him whisper "come to me."
It's not always by instinct that I come. It's when I'm full, but feel empty. When my need overpowers what I think I can do for myself. And I realize how much I need Him.
I at last concede that He is comfort.
His promises.
His love.
Without which I would fall flat on my face and sob over the aching lonely and dissatisfaction I would feel without Him.
I cannot imagine it. The struggles would overtake me.
He gives the comfort of — hope.
Linking today with Lisa-Jo…

AMEN! Your thoughts so similar to my own today. Blessings for a wonderful weekend.
The comfort of hope...I love it. I just wrote about hope and anchors not too long ago. This word is something I feel God etching into me and I love every minute of it.
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